Where are the takes?

If I look at the front page, without logging in, all I see is a discussion about the facts. “Here are the facts. Here’s what facts are.” There’s some mention of making a take… but there’s no links to takes. Could be I’ve overlooked.

Anyway, my question: should there be a link or some way to access people’s takes?

If no: you should make that clear. Or explain “where” the takes are. I’m not sure where they are so I’m wondering if people are supposed to post “takes” to other social sites?

If the takes exist somewhere and should be accessible: Include a link to the takes. If you’re supposed to log in first is there a way to make that clear as well?

I have seen some of the functionality around the videos and the facts in the past. Playing with the “highlight transcript text and see it immediately play in video” was impressive. But I came for some takes… And I am not sure if I’m missing something or if they don’t exist or if there’s just not a clear way to reach them.

  • Glen

And I am not sure if I’m missing something or if they don’t exist or if there’s just not a clear way to reach them.

They have been removed. For now, MyTake.org is just a debate search engine, with the added feature that you can post the links to Facebook/Twitter and the preview image will display the quote. If people click your post, they get taken to the full context of the quote.

The GitHub issue tracking author features is here